Contact us
Phone: 503.643.2100
Billing: 971.317.0211 Records: 971.317.0212 Referrals: 971.317.0213 Fax: 503.643.7300 (For current patients only) Advice Nurse: 971.317.0210 |
11790 SW Barnes Rd, Blg. A, Suite 140 Portland, OR 97225 Billing: [email protected] General: [email protected] *Please do not use e-mail to send personal information Current patients: Please use the patient portal instead of email to address questions, requests, or concerns. |
Advice Nurse: for current patients
For current patients, our advice nurse is available both during normal business & after hours!
*If we do not get back to you within an hour, or if you think your child’s condition is urgent, please call back and let the answering service know you need to reach the doctor on call immediately. PLEASE CALL 911 in case of an emergency, including, but not limited to: your child is struggling to breathe, is not responding at all, or is having an unexplained seizure.